This visiting fellowships is made possible thanks to Depuy Synthes which has funded this programme. The programme provides fellowship visits with a focus on the fields of total hip (with particular focus on anterior approach for THR) and hip arthroscopy. 

The objective is to allow orthopaedic surgeons to develop their surgical skills in a sub-specialty through a work-based surgical program provided by a supervisor and institution

A Travelling Fellowship fund of up to €750 will be awarded by JACOMPOR to each Fellow to cover the cost of transport, accommodation, food and other essential expenses.



Application Eligibilty Criteria

To be eligible for the cohort of 2021, you must be an orthopaedic surgeon or an orthopedic resident

  • Have sufficient English or Portuguese language skills in order to understand and participate in all aspects of the program including complex discussions on human issues
  • speak English, Portuguese or Spanish fluently
  • make yourself available for the duration of the Fellowship
  • be prepared to submit a written report at the end of the programme
  • to be prepared to make 2 presentations of a specific research topic or topic of interest
  • Advantages of the anterior minimally invasive surgery: a muscle-sparing and inter- nerve approach that minimizes damage to soft tissues, contributing to a faster patient’s recovery, short incision, less dislocation rate and shorter hospital stay.

  •   How and what to see and check in RMN of the hip.

  •   How to perform a correct clinical examination of a patient with hip pathologies.

  •   Advantages to use synthetic bone graft for revision.

  •   The importance of restoring the adequate offset besides leg length in THR.

  •   Advantages of using ceramic-on-ceramic as bearing surfaces in THR.

  •   Advantages of using bone-sparing implants, like short femoral stems in THR.

  •   Indications and contra-indications of PAO, hip arthroscopy, mosaicplasty.

  •   How to manage hip pain in young and active patients.

  •   FAST Track protocol for THR.


    JACOMPOR recognises the valuable contribution of medical device companies make to JACOMPOR accredited fellowships via the provision of funding.



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